cloudMarks - was für eine Woche

Letzte Woche habe ich in meiner (viel zu knappen) Freizeit meine erste Applikation für SailfishOS erstellt. Seit dem habe ich in so kurzer Zeit sehr viel gelernt und bin begeistert, sowohl von der ownCloud-, als auch von der Sailfish-Community.


Meine erste Applikation für SailfishOS

Am Wochenende habe ich tatsächlich einmal ein privates Softwareprojekt so weit gebracht, dass man es tatsächlich nutzen kann. Schon für meine webOS-Geräte wollte ich immer mal eine kleine Applikation schreiben. Wegen fehlender Zeit und zu wenig Ehrgeiz, mich in die APIs einzulesen, ist daraus aber nie etwas geworden.


Ubuntu Phone bq Aquaris E4.5 - first impressions

Some time ago, Ubuntu sponsor Canonical announced that they were bringing their operating system to mobile phones and tablets. Following this announcement, people were waiting for device coming with Ubuntu, and after a long waiting, Spanish manufacturer bq is the first to bring a device coming preinstalled with Ubuntu for phones. As they are only bringing small batches to the market, you can get one of those phones in so-called flash sales, announced on social media, lasting while there are devices in stock.


My Jolla is here - what's wrong with your smartphone?

In May I have bought a Jolla smartphone preordering option. In August Jolla sent me a nice T-Shirt showing “I am the first one”, some stickers and a letter saying “Thank you”. I was not sure if I really wanted to get a new smartphone - my Lumia 820 was running fine and I had a whole bunch of webOS-phones ready to run as backups. The mission Jolla was on was nevertheless fascinating, so I wanted to support them.


webOS - now what's next?

I am a die-hard user of Palm webOS from the start - I got a Palm Pre on its release day here in Germany and also got a Pre+, a Pre2, a HP Veer, Touchpad and a HP Pre3. After HP killed webOS, I also grabbed a Palm Pixi+ and another Pre as backup devices. Even though it sounds crazy, I have spent a lot of money on a discontinued operating system running on hardware which looks pretty dated in 2013. Still, I love to use my Touchpad. The ui is still awesome, the user experience in the system and most apps are something I am missing with current systems. Still, the keyboard of the Touchpad is unmatched (just my personal view).
