My Jolla is here - what's wrong with your smartphone?

In May I have bought a Jolla smartphone preordering option. In August Jolla sent me a nice T-Shirt showing “I am the first one”, some stickers and a letter saying “Thank you”. I was not sure if I really wanted to get a new smartphone - my Lumia 820 was running fine and I had a whole bunch of webOS-phones ready to run as backups. The mission Jolla was on was nevertheless fascinating, so I wanted to support them.


webOS - now what's next?

I am a die-hard user of Palm webOS from the start - I got a Palm Pre on its release day here in Germany and also got a Pre+, a Pre2, a HP Veer, Touchpad and a HP Pre3. After HP killed webOS, I also grabbed a Palm Pixi+ and another Pre as backup devices. Even though it sounds crazy, I have spent a lot of money on a discontinued operating system running on hardware which looks pretty dated in 2013. Still, I love to use my Touchpad. The ui is still awesome, the user experience in the system and most apps are something I am missing with current systems. Still, the keyboard of the Touchpad is unmatched (just my personal view).


ActiveSync für Kalender/Kontakte mit ownCloud, IMAP mit Dovecot

Ich habe es heute geschafft – die Ent-Googleung ist einen großen Schritt weiter! Heute habe ich mein Kontakte und meinen persönlichen Kalender , sowie das erste Mailkonto auf meinen eigenen Server umgezogen. Wichtig ist mir dabei immer die Kompatibilität mit webOS. Eigentlich ist das ganze sehr einfach:
